January Fairy.
Also Available in Uncensored NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Fully Nude. Please specify when ordering if you’d like the Uncensored / NSFW version. Previews available via pledge on Patreon, or by signing up via email for my Adult’s Only Section.
This Cool and Magical Original Digital Fantasy Painting comes printed in vibrant colour on a rich, velvety, matte finish Cardstock.
All prints come with the Artist’s signature (Mat André) included on the print, and autographed personally on the back of each print.
Perfect for a creative space, bedroom, dorm, and as a unique gift for that magical someone.
8.5″x11″ Fine Art Print.
Websites and/or Watermarks in product images not present on the physical prints.
© Mat André 2017. All Rights Reserved. This product, image, and illustration may not be reprinted, redistributed, or resold.
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